‘Beautiful Girls are mostly Single because no one ever believes they’re actually Single’ – Juliet Ibrahim

Juliet Ibrahim reveals her current Relationship Status

Juliet Ibrahim who took to Twitter to pen down her thought on why beautiful girls are single stated that beautiful girls are mostly single because no one ever believes they are.

Ahead of Valentine, Juliet Ibrahim wrote;

‘Beautiful girls are mostly single because no one ever believes they’re actually single’.

See her post below:

Recall that Juliet Ibrahim had a few months ago confirmed that her relationship with Nigerian rapper Iceberg Slim, was over. She opened up about her new status at an event in Ghana where she said, “I made it clear I was single. I am single”.

The actress of Lebanese decent stated that she left the relationship herself.

”You don’t need to go for anybody. I carried myself.(laughs) When you are in love,you do crazy things and things happen.”

However, she failed to give a clear answer when asked if the cause of their split is as a result of cheating. When asked what caused their breakup, she said;

”I don’t know because they say and I hear all sorts of things but people close to me know what happened. I wouldn’t say because no matter what I respect the people that I have been with. We broke up on a mutual term.”

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