Horny Evil spirit had sex with me for 2 years – Man cries out

Horny Evil spirit had sex with me for 2 years - Man cries out

A man has opened up on how a horny evil spirit had sex with him for 2 years every night in his sleep.

He said every night the evil spirit used to come to his bed and make love to him non-stop all through the night.

But his ancestors visited him in his dream and gave him the secret to stopping the spirit, Daily Mail reports.

The 39-year-old from Makuleke Village outside Malamulele in Limpopo, South Africa, told Daily Sun: “I was a sex slave to the horny evil spirit for too long. I’m happy my ancestors told me how to stop the heartless creature.

“They told me I should go to the bush when I wake up the next morning. They said there, I would find a dead tortoise under a tree and must remove the shell and put it under my pillow every night.”

Horny Evil spirit had sex with me for 2 years - Man cries out

Goxitini said he followed their instructions.

“When I woke up the next morning, I was led to the bush by the spirits of my ancestors. To my surprise, when I arrived in the bush, I found the dead tortoise under a tree. I used a knife to remove the shell as instructed and put it under my pillow.

“Since that day, I said goodbye to the suffering. The spirit has never set her foot in my bedroom again.”

Goxitini said he was tormented from 2017 until last year and said he was told to use the shell as protection against evil spirits.

“My ancestors told me to use it every time I visit other villages. They said I should tie it around my back and hide it under a shirt or T-shirt. They said it would work as a protection device.”

Asked if anyone knew about the shell he carries, he said:

“I kept it to myself but decided to share it with Daily Sun.”

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