Lady stabbed to Death during Early Morning Exercise in Anambra

Lady stabbed to death during early morning exercise in Anambra

A lady has been stabbed to death during early morning exercise in Anambra, leaving friends and family in mourning over her sudden death.

It was gathered that the deceased, identified as Oluchi, a popular makeup artist – was stabbed to death yesterday during an early morning exercise/jogging in Awka, Anambra state capital.

Though the main reason for the attack on the beautiful lady is yet to be determined, it is alleged that her phone was collected by the killers.

She passed away instantly after being stabbed. Her corpse has been deposited at the mortuary.

A Facebook user Chibuike Igwe posted;

What a wicked world. Can you believe she is no more. The pictures attached to this post is my friend, a smart hard working lady with great sense of humor ..

She was stabbed to death while doing early morning exercise. The persons/people that did this to you will know no peace forever. # Blackmonday . Am still shocked after confirming you are no more. RIP OLUCHI…

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