Female singer Raybekah breaks into a fit of Uncontrollable Excitement as Wizkid follows her on Instagram (Video)

Female singer Raybekah breaks into a fit of Uncontrollable Excitement as Wizkid follows her on Instagram (Video)

Nigerian female singer identified as Raybekah, recently went wild with excitement after a much-respected singer in Nigeria known as Wizkid followed her on IG.

The singing star had shared a video in which she was spotted screaming into her mobile device as she made the revelation of the celebrity star that had recently followed on Instagram.

Raybekah disclosed to her fans that sensational Nigerian superstar Wizkid had joined her list of followers on the much sought after platform.

She accompanied the post with a caption in which she had described the star singer as her mentor and expressed a heartfelt appreciation to him.

See her post below:

Some of her followers had however taken her post with mixed reactions as many had wondered if the development was enough reason for her to be so excited.

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