Prostitutes are Humans, why can’t PROSTITUTION BE LEGALISED in Nigeria – Actress Uche Ogbodo

Prostitutes are Humans, why can’t PROSTITUTION BE LEGALISED in Nigeria - Actress Uche Ogbodo

Nollywood actress Uche Ogbodo has called for the legalization of prostitution in Nigeria. This is coming as a reaction from the actress after news about Nigerian policemen molesting prostitutes in Abuja recently hit the internet.

It was reported that the police officers arrested the prostitutes, raped them with nylons of sachet water as protection.

This news has angered so many social media users including some of the Nigerian celebrities who have come out to point out that the prostitutes are human beings and should never be treated otherwise.

Uche in a long post on her Instagram page wrote:

‘This News is really rather Unsettling for me! , ‘I’m Hurt deep down , thinking Of the pain these Prostitutes go through in the hands of the General Public! , This brings me to Ask, “Ain’t these Prostitutes HUMANS too? Why do we Derive joy in seeing other people go through Anguish and Pain! , this whole world is gradually turning into a Real Life Animal Jungle! So then, why did we make “LAWS” ain’t this laws there to protect Us, to make Us Superior to lesser Animals? But at the End we are proving ourselves not better in anyway! WE ARE ALL ANIMALS like goats, sheep,lions, chickens etc cos we have lost our Sense of Humanity!.,..

‘WHY DEPRIVE A HUMAN PROSTITUTE HER RIGHT TO LIVE? PROSTITUTE NAH PERSON MAMA, ABEG! PROSTITUTE NAH PERSON PIKIN ,ABEG!. PROSTITUTE NAH PERSON PAPA,ABEG!. PROSTITUTE NAH PERSON SISTER, BROTHER ABEG! PROSTITUTES ARE MAJORLY AFTERMATH OF RAPE, ABEG!. ‘Say NO, to Rape! Those police officers must answer to their CRIME, or I might go into DEPRESSION! #rape #rapeisrape #prostitionisnotacrime #rapeisacrime #un #humanright #womenempowerment #onenigeria #prostitutesarehumantoo #’

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