Hushpuppi comes for ladies who are not same way they look on Instagram

“Nigeria doesn’t need prayer, it needs right decisions” – Hushpuppi writes

Malaysia-based Nigerian, Ray Hushpuppi popularly known for his flamboyant lifestyle on social media, has taken a swipe at ladies who according to him, don’t look the same way they pose to be on Instagram.

Hushpuppi in his post directed at these ladies who in reality are not the same way they look on Instagram described them as ‘parboiled rice’.

He wrote;

The Instagram big boy had before now advised his followers to go ahead and live the kind of life they want on social media, without minding the views from critics.

According to him, when people like him started on Instagram, they were criticized for how they used the platform. However, today people like him who didn’t listen to the criticism are now referred to as social media influencers.

Read his post below.

I remember back in the days when we all started using Instagram, a lot of people threw shots at you for doing what you like, guess what? Those who were deaf to the negativity are what we call influencers today! SUCCESS , now has the shameless shouting , “I am a huge fan”. Today, so many brands cater and care about me, they treat me well and the benefits I get from them are huge! I have built my name into a brand known across the world, which has opened many doors for me in several aspects of life including financially! I am proud that I wasn’t discouraged by the nay sayers (mostly the ones from where I’m from who never want to see their own people shine)! I appreciate all those who have never stopped showing me love!

Really the moral of my story is, you have to believe in your dream more than anyone else! People will discourage you and mostly it’s not what you’re doing that they don’t like, what makes them uncomfortable is why YOU! Know your WHY, focus on it! Hear what they say but don’t listen! People advise you according to the season in their lives! Don’t let a man living in a cold country advise you where to by a coat in a desert! They judge you according to their ability, not yours! Most people these days are hypocrites, if they tell you that you can’t do it or u don’t do it well, don’t listen, they are only trying to break you so u can lose your spot then they later mock you for losing your spot. Stay glued to your dream, Don’t let them talk you into losing your spot, their only weapon is talk and their only achievement remains TALK.

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