Instagram deletes Kinsey Wolanski Sue’s account after Champions League stunt

Instagram deletes Kinsey Wolanski Sue’s account after Champions League stunt

Instagram deletes Kinsey Wolanski Sue’s account after Champions League stunt where she invaded the pitch yesterday during the Champions League final in Madrid

Kinsey Wolanski took centre stage alone at Atletico Madrid’s Wanda Metropolitano stadium when she raced across the pitch in skimpy swimwear while Liverpool and Tottenham players looked on.

After this stunt, the 22-year-old’s Instagram followers grew from 230,000 followers to two million in the space of a night.

Explaining why she stripped off in Madrid, she wrote on Instagram:

“STREAKING THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE! Life is for living, do crazy things that you will remember forever.”

Instagram deletes Kinsey Wolanski Sue’s account today after it hit over 2.5 million followings.

Kinsey Wolanski Instagram page @kinsey_sue has been deleted after it started receiving buzz of activities since the stunt and users on the platform across the world have been trooping to her page.

The swimsuit-clad Russian model invaded the pitch at Champions League final to advertise her boyfriend’s X-rated website. She wore a black swimsuit with ‘Vitaly Uncensored‘ emblazoned on the front. The x-rated website encourages wild pranks often involving sex and nudity.

Kinsey ran on to the pitch, players were left looking bemused and play was temporarily stopped by the referee while security took her from the pitch.

FIFA will likely sue Kinsey and her boyfriend for the prank, running a free advert that could have costed them over $1m.

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