Patapaa’s white Girlfriend arrives Ghana for Ghana meets Naija Event (Video)

Patapaa’s white Girlfriend arrives Ghana for Ghana meets Naija Event (Video)

Ghanaian hiplife musician Justice Amoah popularly known as Patapaa’s white girlfriend has arrived in the West African country to show support to the singer in this year’s Ghana meets Naija.

The lady is German by nationality and she is the new queen of the Pa2Pa movement.

Patapaa is billed to perform at Ghana Meets Naija 2019 concert tonight and his new queen will be right there on stage supporting him as he thrills the crowd.

It looks like the singer has moved on from his Ghanaian girlfriend, Queen Peezy.

He sparked controversy months ago after a video of him and the white lady surfaced on the internet while he was on his European tour.

The lovers were seen grooming each other while the lady was busy in the kitchen.

It was reported that the singer’s former girlfriend fainted after she came across the video and she was hospitalized for some few days.

Patapaa later revealed in an interview that he didn’t have anything serious with Queen Peezy as she begged him to date her so she could be more popular.

According to the singer, who appeared furious whilst talking about the issue, he was highly disappointed in the girl because she has dented his brand with lies that have caused people to perceive some negative thoughts about him.

He, however, denied having anything to do with the white lady at the time of the interview.

Watch the Video of her arrival:

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