#BBNaija 2019: Tacha criticized by Frodd over her failure to define ‘Characteristics’ (Video)

#BBNaija 2019: Tacha criticized by Frodd over her failure to define ‘Characteristics’ (Video)

BBNaija controversial housemate, Tacha has been criticised by Frodd for her response to Ebuke’s question during the live eviction show last night.

#BBNaija 2019: Tacha criticized by Frodd over her failure to define ‘Characteristics’ (video)

Ebuka, during Sunday’s eviction show, had asked Tacha to mention the characteristics of a BBNaija winner.

See the exchange below;

Ebuka: Mention 3 characteristics of a #BBNaija winner
Tacha: Tacha, Tacha & Tacha
Ebuka: That’s not so smart.
Tacha: Everything about me is the character of a winner.
Ebuka: Which is?
Tacha: Tacha!
Ebuka: That’s not smart. I expected more.

#BBNaija 2019: Tacha criticized by Frodd over her failure to define ‘Characteristics’ (video)

Reacting to this, Some of the housemates also felt Tacha wasn’t intelligent enough as she couldn’t answer a question as simple as that. Frodd was seen on camera shading Tacha for her inability to answer Ebuka’s question.

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He was telling Ike and Gedoni that Tacha was supposed to have used the question as an opportunity to sell herself but she couldn’t.

From the things he said, he insinuated that she wasn’t smart or brilliant enough. He also stated that one is supposed to have a plan before going into the Big Brother house and not go there to brag.

Furthermore, he told the guys that if he was the one who was asked the question, he would’ve said he’s self-driven, self-motivated, among many other things.

Watch the video below:

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