Mum asks Court to force her ex-husband to give her a Recent Picture of himself

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A mother is taking her ex-husband to court to demand that he gives her a recent photo of himself.

The mother and her ex are in the middle of a family court dispute over their son and the mother wants him to send a recent photo of himself so she can show it to their 6-year-old son when she talks to him about his father.

Mr Justice MacDonald said the boy lived with his mother. The woman wants a judge to make orders stopping her ex-husband from taking the boy from her care or from taking him abroad. She says the man has not spent time alone with their son for more than five years.

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But she says she is ready to “facilitate contact” between father and son and told Mr Justice MacDonald that she would “dearly like” a recent photo of her ex-husband to put in the boy’s bedroom. The woman says she hopes the photograph would help stimulate conversations with the boy about his dad.

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