Prophet Odumeje denies saying he will walk on Water

Prophet Odumeje denies saying he will walk on Water

Anambra-based Pastor, Prophet Emeka Odumeje, who was in the news over claims of replicating one of the miracles of Jesus by walking on the River Niger on August 19, has denied boasting of such.

Viral reports had it that the General Overseer of the Mountain of Holy Ghost Intervention Deliverance Ministry had invited journalists and Nigerians to come witness the “miracle“.

Prophet Odumeje denies saying he will walk on Water

However, in a conversation with a follower on Facebook, Prophet Odumeje, who has been at the centre of controversial deliverances asked for a video of him calling for media coverage of his ‘walking on River Niger Miracle’.

See below:

Prophet Odumeje denies saying he will walk on Water

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