Nigerian entrepreneur, Mimi Ubini narrates how a former Pastor wanted to sleep with her in exchange for a reference letter she needed from him during her UNILAG days

Nigerian entrepreneur, Mimi Ubini narrates how a former Pastor wanted to sleep with her in exchange for a reference letter she needed from him during her UNILAG days

Nigerian Entrepreneur, Mimi Ubini has shared an experience she had with a pastor when she was in need of a reference letter to get cleared after she gained admission into the University of Lagos.

Read her lengthy post below;

It was the Eve of September I just got an admission letter from the almighty unilag. I was ecstatic! I mean Unilag is one the best Govt university we have in the country.

I took my time to browse through all the requirements for processing my admission. One actually stood out; get a reference from a 1)Lawyer: I don’t know any lawyer or 2)Clergy: what does that mean?! or A pastor: Na now you come? I mean I was a strong member in church that year, I don’t miss my weekly service, I wasn’t only a bench warmer on Sundays infact the assistant pastor had previously approached me according to him use “my beauty” for God.

He told me to join one department 1)choir:I’ve frog voice so pass 2)pray warrior:terrible at praying and lastly 3)usher:that’s manageable. I’d ask him if I was going to get paid, he said No I should “do it for the lord” I said okay and proceed to register for bible studies on Saturday, that’s the only process you will pass through before one can work in the church.

So I mean it’s a no brainer right? The pastor would def give me a reference letter, I was sister in the lord, so piece of cake!

So I decide to go meet my pastor in the lord for a reference letter. I worn a long skirt and a free top, pack my natural hair in a ponytail, I mean you have to look godly when visiting a man of God. I double check in the mirror to make sure I was decently dressed, picked my admission letter and headed for my pastor in the lord’s office…

I got to the office met with the receptionist. Excuse me ma please I want to see Pastor … (won’t mention names, sorry)

Okay hold on a sec, she replied nicely.

I sat down and admired the gorgeous interior of my pastor office, money good o, I said in my mind.

Hello you can go in now! the receptionist soft but sharp voice jolted my vain thoughts.
Thank you ma I replied nicely.

I walked into a much more beautiful space, my pastor office is fine sha.
Good morning sir, I said

We exchanged pleasantries, he offered me a chilled cold drink.
What brought you to my office Misan?! My pastor asked after all protocols was observed, lol.

Sir I just got admission to unilag o! I said with excitement.
To study what ? He asked, Philosophy sir, I said
Oh congrats! We were the first set of philosophers in unilag, he said.

Oh wow sir! Is it a good course sir ?! I said excited but honestly I didn’t care for the course (but I got love it) I just wanted to further my education, I didn’t want to die a semi illiterate so even if unilag gave me admission to come study the bushes and grasses I’d take it.

It is a lovely course, congrats my pastor said.
So wat can I do for you? He asked again.

Sir please I want you to write a reference letter with your paper heading and stamp it sir, I said.

He said okay and proceeded to write the letter while I sat there and screamed in my mind: UNILAG HERE I COMEEEE!!!

Okay I’m done, my pastor said.

My eyes lit up I stretched forth my hand to take the letter. he said no no not so fast…haaaaaaaa!
You are a fine girl o. He said
Thank you sir I said

If you want this letter at least let me touch you small, he said
Haaaaaa! Sir I’m a small girl oo I said with an innocent face.

With all this thing on ur chest, let me suck ur breast at least. I look at him I knew he wasn’t going to give me the letter without a fight…what should I do Misan think. Okay sir but at least let me go submit the letter, wen I come back I’ll come so you can suck it. No I want it now. The pastor was adamant.

I stared at the letter on his desk, I want this, I must have this letter, it means a lot to me.
Come na Misan, he said.

I slowly walked up to him for the sucking…sir please suck it fast I said as I muttered as I walked up to him…I got closed to the other end of the desk, I snatched the letter from his desk, head for the door I swear all this happened so fast you have no idea, I headed for the door and ran as fast as my legs could carry, all I was hearing was Misan come back here! Misan I’ll tell unilag I didn’t approve that letter, Misan come back here!! I ran with that letter, I kept running and that was the end of my sister in the lord brouhaha ?

So wat do you think? Did I do bad for snatching and running with letter? Should I have handled differently?

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