Bishop of Methodist Church Ikeja leads protest march in Lagos, says President Buhari knows those holding Leah Sharibu (Video)

Bishop of Methodist Church Ikeja Diocese Lagos state, Bishop Steve Adegbite, on Sunday, February 9th, led members of his congregation to stage a protest rally over the incessant killings, kidnappings and other security issues plaguing the country.

The protest march came a week after the General Overseer of RCCG, Pastor E.A Adeboye, led the same protest march in Lagos state.

Speaking to newsmen, Adegbite asked President Buhari to sack the Security Chiefs as they can no longer manage the security challenges in Nigeria.

On Leah Sharibu, the clergyman demanded the immediate release of the Dapchi school girl. According to him, President Buhari must set Leah Sharibu free because he knows them

‘We want Leah Sharibu back to life, to her parents. They should release her unconditionally and they should ensure that Leah Sharibu comes back to us. She belongs to the body of Christ and we want her back and we are praying for her. We want her back alive. They must set Leah Sharibu free. Buhari must set Leah Sharibu free. He knows those people.  Let him go and talk to them and they should release our girl Leah Sharibu is our own girl” he said

Watch the video of him speaking to newsmen below:

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