Coronavirus: No kissing or hugging – Watchdog tells Russians

Ivory Coast tests first person in Africa for Coronavirus

Russians were on Friday, January 31, advised by the country’s consumer health watchdog to refrain from greeting each other with handshakes, kisses or hugs and to wear medical masks in crowded public places.

Though Russia has imposed border restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus from China which is its southeastern neighbour and is also yet to confirm any coronavirus case, Rospotrebnadzor which is also a state watchdog told Russian businesses that employ Chinese nationals to extend their holidays until further notice if the employees are already on leave in China.

Russians were further advised to tie back long hair, avoid touching doorknobs and bannisters in public places and to avoid close contact with people with flu symptoms.

Amid Russia’s announcement of closing its land borders with China to pedestrians and vehicles, the Asian country said on Friday that the death toll from the new virus has reached 213.

LP reported earlier that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the flu-like virus a global health emergency.

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