Fake Soldier who claimed he is in Awe to speak with dethroned Emir of Kano, arrested by Police

Fake Soldier who claimed he is in Awe to speak with dethroned Emir of Kano, arrested by Police

A fake soldier was arrested in the early hours of Friday, March 13, by the police in Awe community of Nasarawa State after failing to identify himself upon being stopped.

Daily Trust reported that the fake soldier who was arrested in complete army camouflage uniform and pairs of boots in a private lodge in the area, reportedly claimed he was on terminal leave and in Awe to have an audience with the deposed Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II upon being questioned by policemen on duty.

The DPO of Awe, Superintendent Augustine was immediately alerted before the suspect was taken into custody for further investigation.

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