Ladies, submit to your husband and honor his sacrifice with love and respect – Adamu Garba urges Women

I’m a proud polygamist and I need more wives - Former Presidential Aspirant, Adamu Garba

Former presidential aspirant, Adamu Garba has advised ladies to be submissive to their husband in marriage or risk a failed marriage.

The politician who is famous for controversial statements in support of polygamy took to Twitter warn ladies against the path of feminism.

He expressed that the path of feminism leads to the destruction of homes and lineages.

The former Presidential aspirant also went further to point out that most submissive ladies enjoy the most in marriage.

See his tweet below:

Ladies, you should submit to your husband and honor his sacrifice with love and respect. Don’t take the path of feminist, it is meant to break up families and destroy homes and lineages. Stay true to your nature and be happy.

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