It is the height of irresponsibility to have children and then look for the money to cater for them – Reno Omokri

God permitted us to have enemies because they MOTIVATE us with their HATE - Reno Omokri

Nigerian writer and social critic, Reno Omokri, has taken to social media to call out irresponsible parents.

Reno said that it is the height of irresponsibility for someone to have children first before looking for what to take care of them with. Tweeting further, the writer said that our parents might have done such in the past but it is still wrong.

Omokri then advised that one should first look for the money then have the children.

He wrote: “It is the height of irresponsibility to have children and then look for the money to cater for them. You have the process backwards. Even if that‘s what your parents did with you, it is still wrong. First look for the money, then have the children!”

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