#BBNaija 2020: Erica ignores Laycon, picks Prince as Deputy Head of House

#BBNaija 2020: Erica ignores Laycon, picks Prince as Deputy Head of House

Big Brother Naija season 5 “Lockdown” housemate, Erica emerged the Head of House for this week after she won HOH challenge ahead of Laycon, Lucy and other housemates.

Unlike in the past, she was given 1 minute instead of the normal 20 minutes to pick her Deputy. She played a counting game between Triky Tee and Prince and eventually settled for Prince after he won her counting game.

Surprisingly, she didn’t even consider Laycon who was her close friend at the start of the show for the position when she was asked.

When both of them were asked to pick their guest in the HOH room, she picked Kidd Waya while Prince picked Dorathy. Big Brother then informed her that Kidd is banned from anything pertaining to the HOH lounge for 2 weeks so she was asked to pick someone else. She then picked Triky Tee.


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