Prophet TB Joshua, finally reveals what he does before he comes to the altar to preach (Video)

Coronavirus will chase some Nigerians to their villages - TB Joshua reveals what God told him

The head of SCOAN, Prophet TB Joshua, has told his followers that he uses his resting time to talk to God.

In a video he released on his official Twitter page, the cleric said that his resting time is when he receives from God, while his working time is the period he comes to the altar to preach.

TB Joshua later showed in the video the mountain he goes to commune with God.

In the video, he could be seen with a Bible as a muttered what seemed like prayers.

“Resting time is time to receive from God. Working time is time to give what we receive from God. This is a difficult time where every day is filled with uncertainty. These are some of the places I spend my time to receive this message,” TB Joshua said as he posted the video.

Watch his video below:

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