Woman jailed for deliberately cutting off her hand to claim £925,000 in Insurance Scam

Woman jailed for deliberately cutting off her hand to claim £925,000 in Insurance Scam

A 22-year-old woman, identified as Julija Adlesic from Ljubljana in Slovenia has been sentenced to 3 years in jail for deliberately cutting off her hand to claim a £925,000 insurance payout.

According to reports, Adlesic connived with her boyfriend to carry out the plan. She told the hospital authorities that she accidentally cut off her hand while sawing branches.

Police investigations discovered that her boyfriend, Sebastien Abramov searched online for information on artificial hands work a few days to the incident in early 2019. This proof was used as a piece of evidence that the amputation was deliberate and part of an insurance scam plot.

Their plan was foiled when the police recovered the appendage and surgeons reattached it.

The Slovenian woman claimed that she was innocent during the trial, saying she would never intentionally cut off her hand.

She said;

“No one wants to be crippled. My youth has been destroyed. I lost my hand at the age of 20. Only I know how it happened.”

She was however found guilty of attempted insurance fraud by a court in the city and subsequently sentenced to three years in prison. The presiding judge, Judge Marjeta Dvornik said;

“We believe the sentences are fair and appropriate, and will serve their purpose.”

Her boyfriend was also sentenced to three years in jail, while his father bagged a one-year suspended sentence.

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