Man reveals what his work place did when he informed them that he’s a cross-dresser

Man reveals what his work place did when he informed them that he’s a cross-dresser

A man named Braxton Walker is currently the talk of social media after he recently took to Facebook to reveal what his workplace did when he informed them that he’s a cross-dresser.

To allow him to gain access into the building no matter how he’s dressed, he was given two ID badges, one with his face while he’s dressed in female clothes and a wig and another with him dressed as a man.

He shared both badges to Facebook and his post quickly went viral with people praising his workplace for inclusivity.

He later returned to Facebook to write: “Lol. I woke up and my face was all over the Internet.”

He attributed the reaction he got from his workplace to equality, writing: “And that’s on equality.”

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