US actress Kalysha calls off 3-week-old engagement

US actress Kalysha calls off 3-week-old engagement

American Actress, Masika Kalysha has called off her 3-week-old engagement to Jamar Champ over she considered as alleged extortion.

The lovers got engaged last month after rolling on the circus of love for about four months but the actress revealed that they have known each other for a decade.

“Met my fiancé 10 years ago. Curved him for 97% of those 10 years,” she tweeted. “Been dating for 4 months. He asked me to marry him 4 days ago. Last night I asked him what made you so sure after only 4 months of dating? He said I knew 10 years ago, on the day I met you that I was gonna marry u.”

The expected happy ending fro the couple became a happily never after tale on Friday, January 22, 2021, when the 39-year-old actress/singer-songwriter called off the engagement.

Here’s her lengthy detail on Instagram after paradise came crashing on their engagement:

“After much thought and careful consideration, along with some unfortunate findings, I have made the difficult decision to call off my engagement,” wrote Masika.

‘As a public figure, I understand that I am not entitled to the privileges most people would have. Based on this knowledge, I do everything I can to ensure the privacy, security, and protection of my family members and intimate relationships. “

Masika continued,

“Unfortunately, the man I wanted to spend my life with abused me behind closed doors and continues to use me publicly to draw attention from my name to my detriment.”

“We genuinely love and care for each other, unfortunately when you are a public figure love does not cover a multitude of sins,” said the reality star. “After doing my due diligence I uncovered a pandora’s box of findings that left me questioning everything I thought I knew about this person. I confided in him. I thought he was my best friend, partner, and confidant; but instead, he was trying to come up at my expense and extort me… Please respect my privacy.”

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