I’m Inviting Billionaires, I Don’t Want Razz People At My Party – Bobrisky Says Ahead of Housewarming Party

“I’m not lucky with friends, they always stab me in the back” - Bobrisky laments

Popular controversial crossdresser, Idris Okunneye also known as Bobrisky has recently issued a warning to the public, both fans and followers ahead of his housewarming party.

The self-acclaimed Nigerian Barbie has taken to his verified Instagram page to make an announcement as regards his upcoming housewarming party.

According to Bobrisky, the housewarming party, coming up on 29th January 2022, is meant in attendance, for billionaires. ‘it razz people”

In a post shared on his Instagram page, the crossdresser revealed that anyone who wants to be at the event should purchase the Aso Ebi, which is the ticket for the party.

Amazingly, the ‘Aso Ebi’ is said to cost N150,00 for both genders coupled with an Access Ticket for entry.

In his words;

“I don’t want razz people in my party, I’m inviting billionaires, so if you want to grace that event, you have to buy your aso ebi. You all saw my birthday party right?

See ballers coming through, your aso ebi is ur ticket to the party. Male cap and cloth are also 150k Female aso ebi and gele too is 150k. Come let have fun

You all know I’m extra you can watch d party on blogs etc…my party is not for the ones who cannot afford swiss high lace. I’m not kuku forcing no one, if you have ur 150k get ur aso ebi, gele and access card. If you can’t afford one chill at home on 29th Jan and enjoy all d movie on blogs”

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