“Clapping for Jesus is wrong” – Clergyman, Abel Damina tells Christians (Video)

“Clapping for Jesus is wrong” - Clergyman, Abel Damina tells Christians (Video)

Popular clergyman, Abel Damina, has preached against clapping as a form of worship in churches.

The clergyman during a recent sermon in his church stated that clapping as a form of worship to God is unbiblical.

According to him, in the scriptures, clapping is a form of mockery, so it’s wrong to use the same for God.

He pointed out that the Bible instructs Christians to worship God with our hands lifted up, not jammed together. Damina also asserted that God should be worshipped on his own terms and not based on human understanding.

His words,

“How can you clap for Jesus. You clap for yourself, clap for your uncle, clap for your president, then you clap for Jesus, are they mate? In the bible when he says clap, it actually saying mock the people, clapping is for mockery. That’s why in the new testament there’s no teaching on clapping…

When it comes to God who exalt an worship him according to the scripture we lift up holy hands. We relate to God doctrinally, when you’re not taught you will still be clapping. The only way we celebrate God’s goodness is by lifting up our hands. We don’t clap for Jesus we wave in honor. You don’t worship God on your terms you worship God on his terms”.

Watch him speak below,

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